Discussing his latest career move as star of CNN's resuscitated Crossfire, a few days before its
launch, Newt Gingrich said it is not possible to make a "neutral" documentary about Hillary Clinton. Which is just what his new network has proposed to do. Asked his thoughts on the Republican National Committee's decision last month to block CNN from GOP presidential
primary debates during the 2016 election cycle because it is working on a Clinton docu, Gingrich said he thought CNN — and NBC, which has said it is developing a Hillary Clinton miniseries — should offer equal time. "I actually don't believe you can create a neutral documentary about Hillary Clinton," Gingrich said. Gingrich never did say what he thought about the RNC's decision to block CNN from the GOP primary debates; the RNC also voted to block NBC from the debates because of its Clinton miniseries project, which Gingrich also called a "documentary.
"I don't see it as a giant deal," he said of the CNN docu, adding, "I don't think Hillary's survival or failure are going to rest on these two documentaries."
That said, Gingrich took particular issue with NBC's having signed actress Diane Lane to play Clinton in its miniseries. "If you look at who they have playing Hillary Clinton, it's unquestionably bias from Day 1," Gingrich said, further moving away from the question he was asked. He did not elaborate. In discussions about NBC’s miniseries some critics have pointed out that Diane Lane is the soon-to-be former daughter-in-law of James Brolin who played Ronald Reagan in the controversial CBS miniseries about the former president; the RNC also took issue with that miniseries, which wound up running instead on Showtime – a network whose programming chief at that time was Bob Greenblatt, who is now in charge of programming at NBC.
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