When “Cyber Force” was re-launched, the first issue showed lots of promise. Since then, the book has faltered a bit and struggled to find its voice. Artist Khoi Pham dealt the book some major delays, which resulted in a number of artistic talents drawing pages in issue #5 and hurting the book’s overall consistency. Now, with issue #6, series writer/creator Marc Silvestri appears to re-energized with a new direction and creative team.

WRITTEN BY: Marc Silvestri
ART BY: Marco Turini, Stjepan Sejic
PUBLISHER: Image/Top Cow Productions
PRICE: $2.99
RELEASE: September 18, 2013
In this issue Silvestri is finally finding his legs as a writer. With the first few issues behind him, Silvestri manages to take “Cyber Force” back-to-basics and delivers the meat-and-potatoes that this series has needed. Opening with a flashback to the military mission that made Stryker and Dolorossa into who they are today, Silvestri shows us the type of moments where this book truly takes flight. The military strike force that Stryker and Dolorossa were a part of could be harvested to give readers some fantastic stories and really show who these characters truly are. We need to get to know the characters unique personalities and motivations, so when there are action sequences we care whether the characters live or die. The opening of this book accomplishes that and hopefully we show readers more of it in the future.
After the opening military sequence, Silvestri speeds things back up to present day to wrap up the loose ends left from issue #5 as Cyber Force makes their escape from Cyber Data Industries. The fallout of issue #5 comes to a head at the end of this issue as Killjoy is released from her cryogenic chamber. This perfectly sets up the next issue and creates a phenomenal cliffhanger to ensures that readers come back next month.
This is the first issue illustrated by Marco Turini, and he delivers on all fronts. Turini’s art is the perfect mixture of detail and simplicity with a fluid sense of storytelling that allows the book to flow naturally from panel to panel. His style is very reminiscent of a Alex Maleev (Daredevil) or even Louis Small Jr. (Vampirella), but has enough of his own flair to truly bring the characters to life. Turini is perfect for this book and if Silvestri can keep him for the long haul, then his work is worth the price of admission alone.
This is the strongest issue of “Cyber Force” yet and here readers are finally able to see some of the potential that this book has come to fruition. The problem that hindered the first story-arc was that it tried to do too much all at once. It was an origin tale mixed with a post-apocalyptic race against the clock to save the world. It was a solid premise, but there were elements that felt rushed. There were brilliant character moments that should have been expanded upon but the breakneck pace of the book didn’t allow it. With issue #6, Silvestri wipes the slate clean and gives “Cyber Force” and focuses on the elements that make this series excel.
3.5/5 Skulls
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